Schlagwort-Archiv: white

Alpina M1/8 Made in W. Germany "Rare as Hell"

I already told you all about my love to the Alpina M1, its my Fav from day one, but what you see here is a somthing really special!!!

Its a Alpina M1/8 as far as i learned it was only made cause of an anniversary of the Alpina Company and only gave away to spacial shopholder or customers…i dont know if its the truth but they are really rare so it sounds like it could be.

I know three colorways of the M1/8. The White, the Black and the Golden one, all 3 have the tortoise decor as you cann see on the white one. These are really really ill!!!

Cazal 863 Made in W.Germany, Passau 1980 80′s

The 3rd Cazal on this blog is that wonderful 863 Frame, i think its orginaly for ladies but who cares, when it fits it fits!!!
The colorway of this frame rocks with the mindgreen and white strips in combo with black in gold its the shit!!!
Cazal is one of the greatest brands for collectors, even if its a new frame or vintage they are still big in biz…many celebs try to get some style by wearing cazals.

Welcome!!! (me and myCazal 163)

Hello everyone,

this Blog is about all the great “Vintage Sunglasses” i can find in this World and the passion about them, also about the passion in photography i do about the VTG Sunnies.

Thank you for visiting this place on the WorldWideWeb.

